Nodal Ninja 3 MK3 Mecha with Nadir Adapter – Automatic Robotic Panoramic Head


Dual axis pan tilt 360/VR panoramic head solution from Nodal Ninja with full automation of both pan and tilt axis. Design based on NN3 MK3 with Nadir Adapter, with 2 Mecha rotators and controllers which are wirelessly linked together. The Mecha E1 and C1 is modular in design, paving the way for future low-cost upgrade paths.

Cena na vyžádání

Popis produktu

Dual axis pan tilt 360/VR panoramic head solution from Nodal Ninja with full automation of both pan and tilt axis. Design based on NN3 MK3 with Nadir Adapter, with 2 Mecha rotators and controllers which are wirelessly linked together. The Mecha E1 and C1 is modular in design, paving the way for future low-cost upgrade paths.

Kontaktní údaje

Jan Vršinský
třída Edvarda Beneše 1429/9
50012  Hradec Králové – Nový Hradec Králové
Česká republika

Kontaktní osoba

Jan Vršinský

Jan Vršinský

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