Nodal Ninja 3 NN3 MK3 RD10 Panorama Head with Advanced Rotator


Lightweight, compact, Arca compatible precision panoramic head and RD10 Advanced Rotator that achieves the best balance of size and versatility, with 10 detent options ranging from 90 to 5 degrees that can be changed quickly. Suitable for fisheye, wide angle and bigger lenses. Supports mirrorless and DSLRs cameras. Created using state of the art computer-controlled cutting (CNC) machines.

Cena na vyžádání

Popis produktu

Lightweight, compact, Arca compatible precision panoramic head and RD10 Advanced Rotator that achieves the best balance of size and versatility, with 10 detent options ranging from 90 to 5 degrees that can be changed quickly. Suitable for fisheye, wide angle and bigger lenses. Supports mirrorless and DSLRs cameras. Created using state of the art computer-controlled cutting (CNC) machines.

Kontaktní údaje

Jan Vršinský
třída Edvarda Beneše 1429/9
50012  Hradec Králové – Nový Hradec Králové
Česká republika

Kontaktní osoba

Jan Vršinský

Jan Vršinský

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